About Me

- Brodrick R. Thomas
- Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Dark Room
Alright this blog is going to be all over the place... its going to go on crazy tangents and left turns thats going to seem not to make any sense at all but hopefully by the end it will all make sense, so with that said lets get started! I believe in evloution to a certain point, I believe that God made us and gave us the ability to change and adapt to this ever changing world. I also believe that no matter what any christian say and no matter how educated or righteous they are, they have no clue of who God is or what he is capable of and I believe the same about any scientist. I believe they can draw physics problems on miles of chalk boards and make the most diffcult theroies true but they will never capture a portion of God's mystery and how he's done what he's done since the inception(Great Movie) of Mankind. So this theroy I'm about to run off on is just that! A theroy from a man who barely knows his right from his left and still has troubles with commas and punctuation in his Blogs. My theory starts like this, Why does water boil and heat up? My answer to this question which could be completely wrong is because there are particles in that pot of water that are moving very slow until you heat them up then they begin to move at a incrible pace, while moving at this incrible pace they begin to bump into each causing friction which leads to heat. Something like what we do when we rub our hands together really fast to warm them up or start a fire by rubbing two sticks together. Our sun makes up 99% of the mass of our solar system thats including planets, moons, and all. Its about 875,000 miles across, were talking about fitting 64 million moons in the sun or 1600 Saturns. That big ball in the sky shoot particles at our beloved Earth and warm it up much like my boiling water theroy, not exactly like it but close to it. These particles are really unhealthy and can cause some serious damge to our tender skin, but the beautiful thing about this process is that the Lord provides so many barriers just to where we can enjoy the tingle of the sun on our skin for extended periods of time without pain or side effects. From the 93 million miles that seperate us from our massive star, or a invisible magnetic field that blocks the most harmful particles, to the Earth spherical shape that allows it only to recieve a lot of sun in some areas and not so much in other areas to balance the cooling of the planet. Which leads me to evloution and our lineage, some people lineage is traced from Eastern Europe to far reaches of the Pacific onto the plains of Africa or down into the Latin Continet of South America, but the thing about lineage is that we wear it. We wear it with our last names like Mosbacker, Eguae, Van Pernis, or Schwarzenegger. We wear it with our voice and our accients and especially with our physical features. I've been asked time and time again do I sunburn as a Black Guy, and the truth is I don't. The reason why ties into my belief in God and evloution. We all orginated from the same source, we were all alike at one time I think everyone agrees with that but what happen to make us different? I believe the reason we are so different as far as skin tone is because some people lineage happen to find the top half of the Earth where you don't see as much sun and my lineage, hispanics, middle eastern and other darker human beings lineage found the center of this globe of life where God allowed us to develope a defense mechanism to protect us from our sun particle blasted region. Its why people tell you to wear white on sunny days and not to wear black. Light colors or (white skin) reflect light allowing particles to bounce off your skin particles causing heat, so in other words cooking our lighter friends making them darker, while darker colors or (dark skin) absorb the particles (much like a paper towel soaking up water) stopping them or slowing them to a pace that allows people with darker skin not to get burnt or cooked so fast. Even though this was used and probably only needed many years ago as you see darker people in cooler parts of the world and lighter people in warmer parts of the world our lineage still follows us...but thats it, only lineage. There is no difference between you and me besides these imaginary things that we make up to belong to a group. Like religon or race, but at the end of the day we all belong to one race and thats the Human Race. I have a roomate who is as white as a polar bear but is much more educated in rap music than I and I'm sure I could school him in Country Music. We make departments in our minds and place people into them to use it as an excuse to be too lazy to get to know them or be to shy to peer through our sterotypes. We are one people put on this rocky ball hurling around a gas giant, and we must find hope in each other in order to feel our way through The Dark Room that is our future. Where would Anothny Gulley-Morgan be if a family with lighter skin than he would have left him on the streets when he was younger. I guarantee he wouldn't be recieving a free education playing football for the Tigers of Auburn. So lets not let our Defense Mechanism god blessed us with years ago be used as a judge or allow our lineage to determine our friendships. For how can you love God who you have not seen and hate your fellow man that you walk with every day. John 4:20-21. God Bless you and God Bless these United States of America!
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