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Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Winners never Quit and Quitters Never Discover America

"My destiny is assured. I have a decided heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future."

My favorite book in the entire world is Andy Andrews' The Travelers Gift. The above line is from a ambitious Captian in the book who set sell for a land that was believed impossible to find. This Captian was doubted and ridculed and even exclaimed to be dangerous for a faith and a desire to change the world, and Cristobal Colon better known as Christopher Columbus continued onward anyway. His ambition to move forward against other peoples' will is not even the point of this quote. When the main character of the book ( who journeys through time visiting famous world changers at their significant point of changing the world) visits Columbus, his ship is in dissray as the crew is trying to convince him to turn back and threatens to toss him overboard as rations become less and less. As the main character watches this he ask Columbus, "How can you continue onwad after failing to reach land hour after hour, day after day, and month after month?" "My destiny is assured....I have a decided heart...I am passionate about my vision for the future." Columbus stated. The thing about me is that GOD has given me a heart that is so passionate and so intent on doing good will in his name or chasing after things that i feel he is calling me to seek that I burn out whenever I face adversity. No matter what it is if I fail to reach it, I usually quit and walk way and stay depressed about it afterwards, but thats not the action of someone who has a decided heart! Moses led a stubborn people through wilderness after wilderness but never quit after failing to reach the promise land year after year, God continues to chase a stubborn people day after day even though they continue to flee from him at this present moment. Where would we be if he decided to quit on us centuries ago, when our fore father and mother bit an apple, what if he would have quit when they beat his flesh and blood on a cross, or where would be if he decided to turn his back on us now. God has given us passions and he has given them to us for reasons beyond our understanding. It could be finding a America, finding the first degree in your family, or finding that special someone. For Friday night I was ready to quit a passion that awaits me, but today if you are reading this know that I'm not quitting on you and take all the time you need for I have a decided heart, and a vision of a beautiful future that could eventually change but not anytime soon! Because Winners never Quit and Quitters never Discover America....because they give up when the tide is high and the food rations are low, but I refuse to give up anymore because I was told at one time that anything worth having, is really worth fighting for! God Bless You, God Bless These United States of America and God Bless us with Decided Hearts FOR Him and His will!

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