"My destiny is assured. I have a decided heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future."
My favorite book in the entire world is Andy Andrews' The Travelers Gift. The above line is from a ambitious Captian in the book who set sell for a land that was believed impossible to find. This Captian was doubted and ridculed and even exclaimed to be dangerous for a faith and a desire to change the world, and Cristobal Colon better known as Christopher Columbus continued onward anyway. His ambition to move forward against other peoples' will is not even the point of this quote. When the main character of the book ( who journeys through time visiting famous world changers at their significant point of changing the world) visits Columbus, his ship is in dissray as the crew is trying to convince him to turn back and threatens to toss him overboard as rations become less and less. As the main character watches this he ask Columbus, "How can you continue onwad after failing to reach land hour after hour, day after day, and month after month?" "My destiny is assured....I have a decided heart...I am passionate about my vision for the future." Columbus stated. The thing about me is that GOD has given me a heart that is so passionate and so intent on doing good will in his name or chasing after things that i feel he is calling me to seek that I burn out whenever I face adversity. No matter what it is if I fail to reach it, I usually quit and walk way and stay depressed about it afterwards, but thats not the action of someone who has a decided heart! Moses led a stubborn people through wilderness after wilderness but never quit after failing to reach the promise land year after year, God continues to chase a stubborn people day after day even though they continue to flee from him at this present moment. Where would we be if he decided to quit on us centuries ago, when our fore father and mother bit an apple, what if he would have quit when they beat his flesh and blood on a cross, or where would be if he decided to turn his back on us now. God has given us passions and he has given them to us for reasons beyond our understanding. It could be finding a America, finding the first degree in your family, or finding that special someone. For Friday night I was ready to quit a passion that awaits me, but today if you are reading this know that I'm not quitting on you and take all the time you need for I have a decided heart, and a vision of a beautiful future that could eventually change but not anytime soon! Because Winners never Quit and Quitters never Discover America....because they give up when the tide is high and the food rations are low, but I refuse to give up anymore because I was told at one time that anything worth having, is really worth fighting for! God Bless You, God Bless These United States of America and God Bless us with Decided Hearts FOR Him and His will!
About Me

- Brodrick R. Thomas
- Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fight and Touch
This is my desire...comsume me like a fire...cause all I want.... is something beautiful to touch me ....I know that I'm in reach cause I'm down on my knees waiting on.... something beautiful.
When I hear this song my mind immediately falls into a scene full of people crowded in a town square waiting for a glimpse of this proclaimed son of man to appear. When this son of man finally arrives and makes his way through the crowd, all spectators fight and jockey for position to recieve a miracle or just to see what he looks like. Little do all those spectators know that there is a woman who stands in the back, stricken with a disease that she can't bare to withstand any longer and she knows if she can just touch his robe that she may just find a change that breaks the chains of diease that has conquered her life for its existance. With all the faith within her body she crawls and with each yard she covers, she see a day that she can be happy, with each foot that she gets closer she see no more sleepless nights in her future and within the inch of touching his Garment she see's something beautiful!
Too often were within reach of what we want and the miracle we need but we refuse to fight, and we choose to fear. Too often we ignore what a polo stricken president told us as he rose to address a nation in fear of another world war at hand. He said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself!" For the only thing we should fear in this life is the fact that we do fear for we shouldn't! The reason being, on that day in that town square Jesus didn't heal that woman, her faith in him did and if we have faith then there is no fear for the two can not and will not coincide! God is unchanging, even today in this life right now if we look to the sky and pray to a this great God for a miracle it won't happen unless we believe that he can do it. My Aunt Karen Chandler knows because what she waited on happened, when that doctor walked in and said I can't find a spot of Lupus in your body. She didn't get there by wishing but her faith reached and touched. God has just blessed me with something I've waited so long for but I'm fearful right now of what this world has to say about what I have recieved but through Aunt Karen's faith and that hemorrhaging woman from Capernaum, today and here on out I'm no longer fearful because what they say matters not! Because words are invisible and takes no root in a mortal man's heart unless he allow them and has no effect on a God who don't hear those words unless a tangible action is attached to them. Like a woman who I can't mention enough, who didn't just wish to get through a thick crowd only to touch the hem of a robe, but a woman who said to the Lord, I need this and even if I get crushed under the crowd I will come within reach and touch you! Do not shame at what they say as you crawl, do not fear the thickness of the crowd, do not coward at the impossible situation but fight and touch what is waiting for you....god bless you and god bless these United States of America!
When I hear this song my mind immediately falls into a scene full of people crowded in a town square waiting for a glimpse of this proclaimed son of man to appear. When this son of man finally arrives and makes his way through the crowd, all spectators fight and jockey for position to recieve a miracle or just to see what he looks like. Little do all those spectators know that there is a woman who stands in the back, stricken with a disease that she can't bare to withstand any longer and she knows if she can just touch his robe that she may just find a change that breaks the chains of diease that has conquered her life for its existance. With all the faith within her body she crawls and with each yard she covers, she see a day that she can be happy, with each foot that she gets closer she see no more sleepless nights in her future and within the inch of touching his Garment she see's something beautiful!
Too often were within reach of what we want and the miracle we need but we refuse to fight, and we choose to fear. Too often we ignore what a polo stricken president told us as he rose to address a nation in fear of another world war at hand. He said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself!" For the only thing we should fear in this life is the fact that we do fear for we shouldn't! The reason being, on that day in that town square Jesus didn't heal that woman, her faith in him did and if we have faith then there is no fear for the two can not and will not coincide! God is unchanging, even today in this life right now if we look to the sky and pray to a this great God for a miracle it won't happen unless we believe that he can do it. My Aunt Karen Chandler knows because what she waited on happened, when that doctor walked in and said I can't find a spot of Lupus in your body. She didn't get there by wishing but her faith reached and touched. God has just blessed me with something I've waited so long for but I'm fearful right now of what this world has to say about what I have recieved but through Aunt Karen's faith and that hemorrhaging woman from Capernaum, today and here on out I'm no longer fearful because what they say matters not! Because words are invisible and takes no root in a mortal man's heart unless he allow them and has no effect on a God who don't hear those words unless a tangible action is attached to them. Like a woman who I can't mention enough, who didn't just wish to get through a thick crowd only to touch the hem of a robe, but a woman who said to the Lord, I need this and even if I get crushed under the crowd I will come within reach and touch you! Do not shame at what they say as you crawl, do not fear the thickness of the crowd, do not coward at the impossible situation but fight and touch what is waiting for you....god bless you and god bless these United States of America!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Where Two or More Stand
And we know that GOD causes everything to work together for the good of those who love GOD and are called according to his purpose for them. -Romans 8:28
This topic was chosen by my great friend Virginia Belt, who asked me to write about this in relation to community. So here it goes VB!
To me this verse is tied back to what I mention in my past blog, when I said, "I think that God has created this vast world and has scattered knowledge too and fro and in order to solve our problems we must piece together what we know in order to defeat chanllege after chanllege." This world is in trouble and is always in constant commotion, at times it seems to be completely burning down aound us. This generation has already seen a earthquake shake Chilie so hard that it has slowed the Earth's rotation, we have seen a tropical storm sink a hole in Guatemala thats 200 feet deep, we have seen a flood cover a 5th of Pakistan land and Haiti emplode on itself after the Earth shook up under it. The beautiful thing is that everything is working for the best. We stand in amazement as GOD shows us that we can stand on the edge of a hole and peer 200 ft into the world, he slowed the Earth with one quake, and then think of all the people who believe in America and Our God after we have rushed to dig through the crumbles of their life in Chilie and Haiti and have rescued them from rushing waters in Pakistan. This world is one big community, in which ever person matters. A freshman in Auburn know relatively little about Jesus, when someone gives them a blow pop on campus and tells them they have a free food at a Chrisitian minstry right down the road. That Freshman goes to grab a bite to eat meets a friend or two and now attends a bible study just to hang out with their new friends, where they hear a great sermon and decides to give their life fully to GOD. Only later to decide that they want to go to Haiti, Chilie, or anywhere to serve someone who is less fortunate. Thats the defintion of Community, everybody working equally for the Good of God, for God works through us for his good. The world is in bad shape, she's old and coming off her axis, but its the community of Generation after Generation that continues to push her forward. When Moses died Josh and Caleb dragged onward, when Jesus died the disciples pushed forward, when Bendict Arnold betrayed his country Nathanel Greene and Geroge Washington fought harder, when we meet land in Central America, Americans and Panamanians digged unitil they met the Pacific, and when 10 missonaries were excuted by the Taliban for bring medicine and God's word to the people of Afghanstan, American Soldiers spilled their blood justly. Let not our heart be trouble of the darkness that lay before us because as long as we are a Community all things will work for the Good, because this is our Gerneration and Our Chance, Let us Stand as one for it says where two or more stand in accordance God is also there! God Bless you... GOD Bless our Generation....and GOD Bless Theses Great States Of America!
This topic was chosen by my great friend Virginia Belt, who asked me to write about this in relation to community. So here it goes VB!
To me this verse is tied back to what I mention in my past blog, when I said, "I think that God has created this vast world and has scattered knowledge too and fro and in order to solve our problems we must piece together what we know in order to defeat chanllege after chanllege." This world is in trouble and is always in constant commotion, at times it seems to be completely burning down aound us. This generation has already seen a earthquake shake Chilie so hard that it has slowed the Earth's rotation, we have seen a tropical storm sink a hole in Guatemala thats 200 feet deep, we have seen a flood cover a 5th of Pakistan land and Haiti emplode on itself after the Earth shook up under it. The beautiful thing is that everything is working for the best. We stand in amazement as GOD shows us that we can stand on the edge of a hole and peer 200 ft into the world, he slowed the Earth with one quake, and then think of all the people who believe in America and Our God after we have rushed to dig through the crumbles of their life in Chilie and Haiti and have rescued them from rushing waters in Pakistan. This world is one big community, in which ever person matters. A freshman in Auburn know relatively little about Jesus, when someone gives them a blow pop on campus and tells them they have a free food at a Chrisitian minstry right down the road. That Freshman goes to grab a bite to eat meets a friend or two and now attends a bible study just to hang out with their new friends, where they hear a great sermon and decides to give their life fully to GOD. Only later to decide that they want to go to Haiti, Chilie, or anywhere to serve someone who is less fortunate. Thats the defintion of Community, everybody working equally for the Good of God, for God works through us for his good. The world is in bad shape, she's old and coming off her axis, but its the community of Generation after Generation that continues to push her forward. When Moses died Josh and Caleb dragged onward, when Jesus died the disciples pushed forward, when Bendict Arnold betrayed his country Nathanel Greene and Geroge Washington fought harder, when we meet land in Central America, Americans and Panamanians digged unitil they met the Pacific, and when 10 missonaries were excuted by the Taliban for bring medicine and God's word to the people of Afghanstan, American Soldiers spilled their blood justly. Let not our heart be trouble of the darkness that lay before us because as long as we are a Community all things will work for the Good, because this is our Gerneration and Our Chance, Let us Stand as one for it says where two or more stand in accordance God is also there! God Bless you... GOD Bless our Generation....and GOD Bless Theses Great States Of America!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Firm Grip
Genesis 32:24-32
All my life all I ever wanted to do is something big, I've just always wanted to expand my boundries beyond what my little hometown,state, and country could hold. I've dreamed the biggest dreams that a mind could withstand, and the pressure of those large wishes have torn and ripped at my soul as the years have went by and I feel as if I haven't completed any of those admirations. One of my biggest fears is that I'll reach my elder age and look back and realize I have done nothing, which I would consider a large failure and I've never took losing well in my life, but today I sat and thought about my life and it's shortcomings. I thought about the 7 year old kid that dropped back in the pocket with his ole football. Who threw towards his moma's bush on the far end of the yard and when he finally hit the bush he would jump up and down pretending that his best friend Jacob caught the winning touchdown pass to bring home the state trophy for his beloved Bibb Graves Bulldogs. In which he would eventually watch those dreams fall short while playing for another school and losing in triple overtime to a team that he had help beat 47-6 during the season. Then I thought of how he had watched the Tigers of Auburn and wished to play for them so often when he was young. Only to get the opportunity to play and watch that dream fall apart due to his lack of ability to do well on standardize test. Then I went on further to remember Major Lightfoot sitting directly across from him with tears in his eyes as he told him, "Mr. Thomas you tried to late and the other cadets are way out in front of you." as his dream of making the coveted NASA astronaut program met its end in Air Force building that day. Then I thought about other people, like my mother who lost her best friend and lover 13 years ago, and how she has woken every mourning to an empty pillow knowing that the most perfect person for her no longer lived. Then I thought about one of my closest friends who just watched who he thought was the love of his life and his precious baby girl walk away just because the mother of his child thinks she's too young to settle down. As tears fill my eyes now, they make me know that my selfish failures mean nothing, I shall overcome the lack of my self called achievements in my life right now and wrestle this world that continues to break my heart and the people I love hearts. I shall graps like Jacob did as that angel slung him left to right and right to left and crushed his bones, and just like Jacob my spirit shall not succumb because when this life ends all that will remain is not what I accomplished but the good fight and the faith that I have in a savior who was hung by the hate that this world had for him. So let the winds of uncertianty come, let waters rise, let fire fall and burn all that it will, I shall not be stop for my firm grip is not of this world but comes from the power the savior has given me and I shall suceed at whatever he has predestined for me to be! God Bless those with Broken Hearts, God bless You and God Bless These United States of America.
All my life all I ever wanted to do is something big, I've just always wanted to expand my boundries beyond what my little hometown,state, and country could hold. I've dreamed the biggest dreams that a mind could withstand, and the pressure of those large wishes have torn and ripped at my soul as the years have went by and I feel as if I haven't completed any of those admirations. One of my biggest fears is that I'll reach my elder age and look back and realize I have done nothing, which I would consider a large failure and I've never took losing well in my life, but today I sat and thought about my life and it's shortcomings. I thought about the 7 year old kid that dropped back in the pocket with his ole football. Who threw towards his moma's bush on the far end of the yard and when he finally hit the bush he would jump up and down pretending that his best friend Jacob caught the winning touchdown pass to bring home the state trophy for his beloved Bibb Graves Bulldogs. In which he would eventually watch those dreams fall short while playing for another school and losing in triple overtime to a team that he had help beat 47-6 during the season. Then I thought of how he had watched the Tigers of Auburn and wished to play for them so often when he was young. Only to get the opportunity to play and watch that dream fall apart due to his lack of ability to do well on standardize test. Then I went on further to remember Major Lightfoot sitting directly across from him with tears in his eyes as he told him, "Mr. Thomas you tried to late and the other cadets are way out in front of you." as his dream of making the coveted NASA astronaut program met its end in Air Force building that day. Then I thought about other people, like my mother who lost her best friend and lover 13 years ago, and how she has woken every mourning to an empty pillow knowing that the most perfect person for her no longer lived. Then I thought about one of my closest friends who just watched who he thought was the love of his life and his precious baby girl walk away just because the mother of his child thinks she's too young to settle down. As tears fill my eyes now, they make me know that my selfish failures mean nothing, I shall overcome the lack of my self called achievements in my life right now and wrestle this world that continues to break my heart and the people I love hearts. I shall graps like Jacob did as that angel slung him left to right and right to left and crushed his bones, and just like Jacob my spirit shall not succumb because when this life ends all that will remain is not what I accomplished but the good fight and the faith that I have in a savior who was hung by the hate that this world had for him. So let the winds of uncertianty come, let waters rise, let fire fall and burn all that it will, I shall not be stop for my firm grip is not of this world but comes from the power the savior has given me and I shall suceed at whatever he has predestined for me to be! God Bless those with Broken Hearts, God bless You and God Bless These United States of America.
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