"Diane, I want you to change my son last name to Curry." That's what my dad told my moma over and over again throughout the years of my life, while he lived. It's good to still hear her tell that story even if I've heard it one more time than I needed too. I was had out of wedlock but the lock was secured soon after that and my parents never spent a day without each other until.....
I like to tell a story of how my dad told me not to drink right before he died, it's actually no truth to that at all. He actually died before I could visit him, but his cold hand that I held that was alive just 5 minutes ago wrapped in mine made me promise as if he was alive. I told him I would learn from his mistakes and live a life free of the thing that destroyed him and decapitated our family. For the most part every word I whispered to my father that day I have kept and honored.
We have all heard the Lord works out things for the good of those who love him and who he loves. Since November of my 5th grade year of elementary school, I have believed with all my soul that is why I am fatherless today. I still do, I am a greater extension of my father who fell to his addictions. The main reason he died is to teach me not to succumb to mine. We are all linked to what was done wrong the generation before us and in a way it's our job, life mission, purpose, and struggle to do better than what was left to us. From the garden, to the red sea, and on to the cross, it all follows us. I challenge you to find whatever your parents are ignorant too, fell short of, dropped the ball on, or didn't even care about and do it better than they did it. We all hold a piece to the broken world shattered before our time. Are you willing to join me to put this world together?
You know if the kind lady that I may one day share a marriage with allows me to name my son RJ (Ronald Junior) out of hope to fulfill my father's wish, I could die a happy man. Most importantly because he will know that he is only here because of the lessons taught by his father's father and that he is responsible for being a better man than his forefathers to this world and his family. I guess that would make dad a martyr,and he would definitely think that was worth dying for.
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