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Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It's currently 12:48am on March 20th and after a long unexplained pause from one of the things I love to do best, write these over written blogs, I've decided to write once more. I'm even more sad to admit that an Zach Efron movie has awaken me from my writing coma. Charlie St. Cloud is a very good movie and I recommend it to anyone even though it has the guy from High School Musical in it. The movie is about losing things in life that means so much to us and having the faith to end that special relationship with that thing. One reoccurring theme that kept coming up like a floatation device that won't stay under water was this thing about St. Jude. St. Jude is a saint that is suppose to support human beings at the end of no hope, he basically is the guardian angel of lost causes. My favorite line of the movie is "there is no such thing as a lost cause." Alright get ready I'm about to get cheesy and write deeply about history and why we should love our country, 3.2.1.

We have met our demise many times, they come at us in every form possible, yet we continue to fight when there is no cause to fight. We press onward when earthquakes take the ground right out from under us, we stand in the wake of 30 foot tsunami waves when they storm our shores and for as much as we lose, we continue to find a cause to exist. As much as our lives are hard, there always seems to be someone out there thats living something we would call unbearable. Like the life of a Japanese fisherman who's boat got washed from it's Northern dock to central Japan by a fault line miles away. What about a Christian that stays in northern Libya, praying to God not only to be protected from those who hate what he believes but also hopes not to be consumed by the civil war unfolding in his backyard. There is also a farmer in Afghanistan who has no choice but to sell opium to evil groups of men with terrorist agendas, in order to pay for a child of his to rehab from opium abuse. 

If I could say anything to help them believe in a cause that doesn't seem to be there, to want to live for another day that doesn't seem like its worth living. I would say, at man's darkest hour there was a illuminating god that conquered all the things that this world could ever form against us, so no matter what torture awaits us, no matter the destruction that hides in our future, and no matter how close we are to our demise. Fight the good fight for there is no such thing as a lost cause. May God bless you, May he bless this country built from cause, and may God bless us to find a reason to give cause to those without any.