About Me

- Brodrick R. Thomas
- Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Architect of Inception
"It was just a dream all so long ago, I was so high in the sky, just don't let me fall." Those are the great words of a talented young rapper by the name of B.O.B. What are dreams and how does the lord work in them? Dreams seem to be something that we truly love and adore, something that takes us from a world not meant for us and place us in a world made for us. Whether it's what we think of as our future or what we're thinking about as we dream, they have captured our hearts like a favorite memory. Think of all the songs, speeches and movies about our dreams, Dream weaver by Aerosmith, The Wizard of OZ, It was just a dream by Nelly, the history changing I have a dream speech by Dr. King. Everyone uses dreams to connect and relate because they are like yesterdays, everyone has one and can understand where you are coming from when you use them to be descriptive of what your trying to prove or tell. My favorite dream usage comes from the movie Inception, one of the greatest movies ever made in my mind. Inception is a movie about dreams and different levels of dreaming, where you meet your enemy at each level which happens to be you and your own subconscious. The deeper you go the more dangerous it gets. At one point of this movie the lead actor finds someone else to design his dreaming because his memories keep interrupting the job at hand, this is our life. Our life is our dream, we can't continue to sleep on the days we live thinking that we can only accomplish our hope through something that's only a dream. If you want to go change the world go and do so, if you believe that you can stop what is the downfall of man reach out and break the fall, and if you can hinder destruction then why not be the world's hero. I recall 25 years ago a group of brave men and a teacher bravely lead us to the heavens from the space shuttle Challenger. They left this level of life to touch the face of God, President Ronald Regan said after their ship fell to piece mid flight. Yet their legacy is still greater than most of us that still live way after they have died. For all that this life is made of is different levels of dreaming where on the first level you fight your subconscious telling you not to even start, just dream and the second level is a stronger you telling you no and on the third level is the impossible telling you that you can't. When the truth is that your enemy is a memory reminding you of how weak you USE to be, of how you USE to fail, of how it's impossible for you to go to the next level of your life because the map is to hard to navigate. We are weak but we can gain strength, we have failed but there are second chances, and the map is much to big to navigate but we can find a new architect. When Jesus is our guide, our power, our designer, our hope, our second chance, and our architect all things are possible. Doors shut and others are open, streets close but new ones develop, bridges fall but others are built. We shall overcome, we shall ascend, level after level shall past and there will be no blocks,there will be no dreaming without doing, and there will be no waiting in limbo. Just a lot of earth shattering change! With faith abundant, Jesus can construct dreams like an architect in Inception. May God bless you, may God bless this country we call home and may HE continue to be the architect of our lives.
Monday, January 17, 2011
I had the unique honor to sit across the table from a couple that had been together longer than the years I had lived. The greatest thing about this couple is the fact that they were 9 and 15 years old during World War 2. So I'm sitting an hour outside of Frankfort talking to these two extraordinary people who lived during the most racist time in German history only to hear them call me their grandson. See this couple is my best friend's wife grandparents and they love me just as much as Jacob and I'm proud to call them my Oma and Opa! Oma smiles every time she looks at me because the first American she ever met at the tender age of 9 was an African American, who gave her the first piece of gum she had ever chewed or tasted. The Germans that outlived the hostile reign of the German empire in those days, and the embarrassing view of the world that empire held has to be the greatest Generation in the world's history! Germany is one of the safest places to ever live because more than three quarters of the Germans follow the law to the absolute T and then dot the I. One German explained it as a people trying to make up for the wrongs they caused the world. As I watched these people it seemed as if all of them are trying to do their part to renegotiate this terrible depiction that history gave them so long ago. With that said, this subject got me to thinking, since we have all did our part in history to make this world bad why don't we do our part to make it a little better. I have these huge dreams of what my future might be and a lot of the time those dreams are so present in my thoughts that I forget to do my part in making this world better before I leave it. We as Americans with our freedom to do whatever we want, achieve whatever we want, and succeed at whatever we want, forget to do the small things before trying to conquer the huge things. If we all worked in conjunction with each other to lift the load of the future, their would be no problem with debt, no problems with the wealthy and poor, no problems with affordable health care and no problems with border disputes. We have to assemble the blocks of our country with one brick at a time or we may topple over amidst our building like the great kingdoms of Egypt, Rome, and Persia. Conquering the small before the huge reminds me of a old solider from Kentucky who held several jobs after his service to his country but finally found a great job at cooking his specially made recipe in a filling station right off a major interstate exit. When the exit and the interstate was moved he couldn't draw the money or the customers that he use to. So instead of quitting and drawing a social security check of $105 dollars a month he went to restaurants selling his chicken recipe. Next thing you know Colonel Sanders is a millionaire selling his chicken recipe to any and everyone that'll buy it and eventually he got an establishment named after him. Success is a process, even Jesus went through a 33 year process to achieve his father's glory. He went through all these predrawn details hidden in the old testament during his trials just to attend his suffering at the cross. We are all one and the small things we attend to not only certifies our own success but also encourages the process of our future together as a nation. We are all promontories! Promontories are describe as things that are surrounded on three sides but connected to something, much like Florida or a peninsula. Essentially saying that no man or woman is an Island. We are all connected, what one does the other feels, and no example is as clear as Hitler and Germany. As each star serves it's own purpose to the universe, we all serve a purpose to our communities, our states, our nations, our world, and our savior! Be mindful of the main body for no man is a island. May god bless you, may God bless these states united under him and may he continue to allow our promontories to bring success to our mainlands.
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