Last night we were all sitting around at my christian ministry( Auburn Christian Fellowship) and one of my friends turns towards me knowing that I have an unbelieveable passion that was sown in my heart 10 years ago. When I looked over into an eye piece and saw the craters of the moon and later the Venusian clouds, a marriage was formed between me and space explorartion and my friend says, "As a Christian why don't you think we should focus all our attention towards Africa and feeding the poor and making crops that can grow through drought instead of trying to go to the Moon and Mars." So I replied, Cause Man came out the cave and looked over the hill and discovered fire that kept them warm, cause pilgrams jumped on a boat crossed an ocean and found a land that gives more than any nation that has ever exisited, cause those piligrams took west and allowed for that giving nation to grow and create trains that deliver food to the masses and airplanes that take missionaries to the front lines, cause those piligrams motivated us to take to the sky, in which we found plastics that keeps those food products that christians send to the less fortunate from spoiling. It's a good thing I had a predetermine answer for that question, because I don't think I could have came up with that within the moment. Too often we shrink God and believe that he thinks like us but the truth is he overt thinks us to achieve his glory. What does India and Neil Armstrong have in common? When Neil was on his way to the moon he need a new age filter to provide him with water. There are countless people in India that drink of clean water from their polluted rivers because of American ambition. Only a god as big as ours could foresee what he saw and intermix a man's passion with thirsty lips in the Eastern portion of the world. The solutions that we search for here on the Earth can't be solved in the same enviorment in which that were created. We can't sit in the cave and pray for heat,We must step out of the shadows and peer over the hill to find Fire! We shouldn't walk to the Atlantic costline and say I hope to find a land of religious Tolerance, We should faithful sail towards it! We shouldn't let the great rivers of life seperate us from the other bank, we should cross it and pioneer the West! We shouldn't stop at the Moon because what lies between us and Mars may save lives! Maybe it'll be a crop that can grow with less water than used before, a shelter that can within stand the strongest winds of a Hurricane, or hold back the floods of a Typhoon, there may lie the next great medical invention, a cure for cancer, a cure for diabetes, and Aids, for Apollo gave us the CAT scanner that discovers cancerous cells. It's so much to be discovered and we hold so little knowledge of it and the only way it may be found is by leaving the safety of Earth, venturing farther than we have before all in the name of FAITH. For being satisfied with what we have discovered compared to what is still out there, is like sticking a cup in the ocean and saying I have all of the ocean within my hand! Ladies and Gentlemen the cave has been left, the ocean has been conquered, the west has been settled and the glass ceiling has been punctured and the moon has been touched.Let us continue to break the walls down!
May GOD Bless you and May GOD Bless these Great States of America!
About Me

- Brodrick R. Thomas
- Do not pray for easy lives, Pray to be a stronger person, Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, Pray for powers equal to your task, Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Burning Bush
So this is the speech that I walked way from saying....the lord has called me to do this, so I call it (drum roll) MY BURNING BUSH....It was amazing, when I finished with the last word it was this silence among the applause and I lost where I was for a moment until I look over and found my mother with tears in her eyes and my sister fighting them back and then Speaker Hammett touched me on the back to shake my hand and as my good friends Kari and Virigina would say "The Rest is History." So I'll set the mood for you... The speech took place in Montgomery on the 12th floor of the RSA building,one the nicest buildings that overlook the entire city. Every student body president from every university in the state of Alabama are placed within the room, my mother and my sister are wishing me on sitting slightly to my left. In between is every major political player you can think of from lobbiest, to House members, to Senators and slightly to my right is the 12 year Speaker of the House of Alabama: Seth Hammett. He was being celebrated by the Higher Education initiative for the speaker's efforts to bring our education up to what it should be. Therefore thats why I was there, to speak of why I valued my education at Auburn University.After taken all this in i looked directly at the camaras in front of me among the claps I say:
the .... are pauses in my speech so I can remember to break.
Thank you… Thank you…. for your generous applause ….It’s a pleasure to be here…
I was going to start out with a joke about Alabama….but its not much you can say about someone who places their National Championship trophy in Wal-Mart.
Actually tonight I want to be serious with you all about this world and how its changing… Tonight someone will turn on their T.V. and watch in fear as increasing threats continue to hurt our way of life…. They will watch our natural resources grow shorter. They will watch evil plots be planned against this beautiful land because of our love of freedom. And they will also watch our economy and unemployment rates spin out of control….But tonight I stand before you as a Representative of future Auburn Graduates. That in courage will raise our hands in hope that fate will call on us and allow us to guide the ship out of troubled waters…. For we have been blessed with a creed that has given us the ability to do this. And if me and my fellow classmates are faithful to Auburn and this creed then we will do exactly what our beautiful Alma Mater demands of us when we sing it….“To work for thy just fame, and hold as we do now Auburn’s cherished name.” And tonight I want to stand as a witness to tell you all, how this creed has changed my life.
The Creed Starts with: “I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.”
There was once a young man from the mean streets of Bessemer Al…Who’s mother had to do all but hold him at gun point to keep his head on straight….Because she seen something special within him. He attended Auburn University and learned that this is a practical world and if he provides the work…..Then he can obtain what he earns….
Bo Jackson won the 1985 Heisman Trophy due to his hard work. And he inspired me to believe in my work. And understand when my mom and sister had the gun to my back.
That they just wanted me to know that this is a practical world and all I have is what I earn….
The next line of the creed is:
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
There was once a young girl….who was wowed by Auburn University at a young age.
And dreamed of coming to school here to gain knowledge to train her hands and her mind to work skillfully….She became involved in as many as ten organizations at Auburn University. Including becoming the SGA student body president all while having a 3.95 GPA. ….Lauren Hayes won a prestigious Rotary Scholarship to attend any historic school within the UK, and inspires me to value my education, which can take me farther in life than the small backyard that I wished to escape from when I was young….. to the far reaches of the world that I never dreamed I would see.
Within the next line the Creed says:
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
There was once a young accounting student at Auburn. Who made an honest mistake in a project that led the professor to believe that someone had cheated within the group. And the professor was ready to give all the students in the group a zero….but Todd Burlieson went against the chance of being reported to the Academic Advisory board….and admitted his honest mistake …..And earned the respect of his fellow classmates and his professor who instead rewarded him with full credit for his honesty….Todd has pushed me to be honest as I can possibly be, I met him when I was a young Freshman and now our relationship has grown into accountability partners. Who check on each other daily to make sure we both face the mistakes in life with honesty. So I can earn the respect of my fellow man.
This document holds this great belief:
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.
Last year was a unusual year for our football team….We lost a coach that meant so much to us… but Athletic Director Jay Jacobs stood tall with a spirit that was unafraid and a sound mind that believed that… Gene Chizik could lead our football team like an Auburn man should….. And now Coach Chizik is the only 1st year Auburn football coach to lead the Tigers to a January bowl game. Him and his underrated coaches have put together the current number 4 recruiting class and has a shot at not only the best in school history ….but also the number 1 recruiting class in the nation
Working for Auburn University football team has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life ….and every day I am inspired by their fearless courage to withstand the questions after a disappointing loss….And their clean sports that they display every day and in every game…. And the soundness of Mr. Jacob’s mind to believe in what he stands for…. when everybody else doubts you.
The next line goes something like this:
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
As I sleep within the comfort of my bed every Tuesday and Thursday mourning….
My roommate Jordan Wall wakes up to report for his Air Force Physical Training class…
In hope to be one of the many officers Auburn University commission to the battle field. To protect the great law of this land and to protect the rights of others from the greedy who tries to seize it….that’s true service within higher education….I believed for a semester that I could honor America with my service as I attempted to become a member of Auburn University Air Force ROTC….Only to find that I wasn’t cut out for service on the battle fields for America …..but I found success in that failure… a success….. That says I can serve my country through my education and upholding and strictly following the laws of this beautiful land, laid before me by the past hero’s that died for those very laws….
The heart of Auburn Men and Women show in these next lines:
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
There was once a young rough man from Georgia…..Who played Defensive Back for the great Pat Dye at Auburn….He cared nothing for his teammates nor anyone else ….until Coach Dye removed him from the football team and took away all he had accomplished in his life…. That night Chette Williams got on his knees with his roommate….Who was the only person who had sympathy for him….And through that sympathy Chette Williams gave his life to God….And cultivates health spiritual lives in our athletes till this day with the same human touch that led him to God….And Chette has been an important part of my life… As he has spiritually guided my life just as he would for a star running back or Quarterback….He poured into my life story to make sure I have strength in the walls of my character.
And this next paragraph is as beautiful as any words every written:
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
There was once a young man from Covington, Alabama ….Who loved his country so much that he was willing to dedicate his life to the service of it….by doing it justly and giving his loving mercy to it….Seth Hammett dedicated his life to the U.S. Air Force….And now he dedicates it to the citizens of Alabama as the Speaker of the House….Speaker Hammett has showed me how to truly represent something and how to serve it justly….
In the not so distance future ….I will stand before my future employer with this creed locked in my heart so tightly that it has become part of my DNA….And I will look him or her in the eye and tell them this …That numerical ink after the words GPA is only a small portion of my experience on the plains of Auburn…probably because its not the highest GPA haha…But more because I have not only been educated in knowledge, but I have been educated in love for my community, I have been educated in love for my community, I have been educated in a bravery that’s not so common, Educated to have a spirit that is not afraid of the dark world that awaits, And that I can face the harsh winds of life and not sway nor stagger because….. I’ve been educated at Auburn
Auburn has believed in me
And Auburn has loved Me
That’s why I believe in Auburn and Love It
the .... are pauses in my speech so I can remember to break.
Thank you… Thank you…. for your generous applause ….It’s a pleasure to be here…
I was going to start out with a joke about Alabama….but its not much you can say about someone who places their National Championship trophy in Wal-Mart.
Actually tonight I want to be serious with you all about this world and how its changing… Tonight someone will turn on their T.V. and watch in fear as increasing threats continue to hurt our way of life…. They will watch our natural resources grow shorter. They will watch evil plots be planned against this beautiful land because of our love of freedom. And they will also watch our economy and unemployment rates spin out of control….But tonight I stand before you as a Representative of future Auburn Graduates. That in courage will raise our hands in hope that fate will call on us and allow us to guide the ship out of troubled waters…. For we have been blessed with a creed that has given us the ability to do this. And if me and my fellow classmates are faithful to Auburn and this creed then we will do exactly what our beautiful Alma Mater demands of us when we sing it….“To work for thy just fame, and hold as we do now Auburn’s cherished name.” And tonight I want to stand as a witness to tell you all, how this creed has changed my life.
The Creed Starts with: “I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.”
There was once a young man from the mean streets of Bessemer Al…Who’s mother had to do all but hold him at gun point to keep his head on straight….Because she seen something special within him. He attended Auburn University and learned that this is a practical world and if he provides the work…..Then he can obtain what he earns….
Bo Jackson won the 1985 Heisman Trophy due to his hard work. And he inspired me to believe in my work. And understand when my mom and sister had the gun to my back.
That they just wanted me to know that this is a practical world and all I have is what I earn….
The next line of the creed is:
I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.
There was once a young girl….who was wowed by Auburn University at a young age.
And dreamed of coming to school here to gain knowledge to train her hands and her mind to work skillfully….She became involved in as many as ten organizations at Auburn University. Including becoming the SGA student body president all while having a 3.95 GPA. ….Lauren Hayes won a prestigious Rotary Scholarship to attend any historic school within the UK, and inspires me to value my education, which can take me farther in life than the small backyard that I wished to escape from when I was young….. to the far reaches of the world that I never dreamed I would see.
Within the next line the Creed says:
I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.
There was once a young accounting student at Auburn. Who made an honest mistake in a project that led the professor to believe that someone had cheated within the group. And the professor was ready to give all the students in the group a zero….but Todd Burlieson went against the chance of being reported to the Academic Advisory board….and admitted his honest mistake …..And earned the respect of his fellow classmates and his professor who instead rewarded him with full credit for his honesty….Todd has pushed me to be honest as I can possibly be, I met him when I was a young Freshman and now our relationship has grown into accountability partners. Who check on each other daily to make sure we both face the mistakes in life with honesty. So I can earn the respect of my fellow man.
This document holds this great belief:
I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.
Last year was a unusual year for our football team….We lost a coach that meant so much to us… but Athletic Director Jay Jacobs stood tall with a spirit that was unafraid and a sound mind that believed that… Gene Chizik could lead our football team like an Auburn man should….. And now Coach Chizik is the only 1st year Auburn football coach to lead the Tigers to a January bowl game. Him and his underrated coaches have put together the current number 4 recruiting class and has a shot at not only the best in school history ….but also the number 1 recruiting class in the nation
Working for Auburn University football team has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life ….and every day I am inspired by their fearless courage to withstand the questions after a disappointing loss….And their clean sports that they display every day and in every game…. And the soundness of Mr. Jacob’s mind to believe in what he stands for…. when everybody else doubts you.
The next line goes something like this:
I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.
As I sleep within the comfort of my bed every Tuesday and Thursday mourning….
My roommate Jordan Wall wakes up to report for his Air Force Physical Training class…
In hope to be one of the many officers Auburn University commission to the battle field. To protect the great law of this land and to protect the rights of others from the greedy who tries to seize it….that’s true service within higher education….I believed for a semester that I could honor America with my service as I attempted to become a member of Auburn University Air Force ROTC….Only to find that I wasn’t cut out for service on the battle fields for America …..but I found success in that failure… a success….. That says I can serve my country through my education and upholding and strictly following the laws of this beautiful land, laid before me by the past hero’s that died for those very laws….
The heart of Auburn Men and Women show in these next lines:
I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.
There was once a young rough man from Georgia…..Who played Defensive Back for the great Pat Dye at Auburn….He cared nothing for his teammates nor anyone else ….until Coach Dye removed him from the football team and took away all he had accomplished in his life…. That night Chette Williams got on his knees with his roommate….Who was the only person who had sympathy for him….And through that sympathy Chette Williams gave his life to God….And cultivates health spiritual lives in our athletes till this day with the same human touch that led him to God….And Chette has been an important part of my life… As he has spiritually guided my life just as he would for a star running back or Quarterback….He poured into my life story to make sure I have strength in the walls of my character.
And this next paragraph is as beautiful as any words every written:
I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."
There was once a young man from Covington, Alabama ….Who loved his country so much that he was willing to dedicate his life to the service of it….by doing it justly and giving his loving mercy to it….Seth Hammett dedicated his life to the U.S. Air Force….And now he dedicates it to the citizens of Alabama as the Speaker of the House….Speaker Hammett has showed me how to truly represent something and how to serve it justly….
In the not so distance future ….I will stand before my future employer with this creed locked in my heart so tightly that it has become part of my DNA….And I will look him or her in the eye and tell them this …That numerical ink after the words GPA is only a small portion of my experience on the plains of Auburn…probably because its not the highest GPA haha…But more because I have not only been educated in knowledge, but I have been educated in love for my community, I have been educated in love for my community, I have been educated in a bravery that’s not so common, Educated to have a spirit that is not afraid of the dark world that awaits, And that I can face the harsh winds of life and not sway nor stagger because….. I’ve been educated at Auburn
Auburn has believed in me
And Auburn has loved Me
That’s why I believe in Auburn and Love It
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Defining Courage
What is courage the ability of Protestants to board wooden ships and sail miles away from home on a strong wind to the eest and a hope of finding inhabitable land to serve their God. Is courage the moxy to come together as seperate unions to form a united inanity to hold truths self evident. Maybe courage is found in the hearts of men who leave their lands for foreign ones to serve as yours and my shield. So we may rest easy at night and not worry about our tomorrows. Maybe courage is a dream that a preacher prophesied amidst a world of hate in the 60's. Courage IS men and woman bravely running into 2 burning towers knowing that they will fall, calculating that one life saved is well worth the jeopordy of their life. Can courage be Virginia Belt at home in bed not knowing what is wrong with her neck and her guess being as good as the doctors....or Jenny Young laying in a hospital bed as doctors adminster test after test trying to find what's haunting her young body and wonderful spirit. Maybe this courage held by few but avaiable to many was started in the Garden of Gethsemane. When a savior of the world shook in fear of the task placed before him but yet he took on the cross and conquered the grave.Yeah I'm pretty sure that that my friends is the definition of Courage... May God bless Jenni,Virginia, our troops, you and me, and most of all this land given to us by God!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Proverbs 1:7
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools depise wisdom and discipline.
This verse reminds me of the age old debate that christians part take in daily on whether not GOD will blast you into oblivion for sinning or if this huge GOD of grace and love is so forgiving as not to punish us for transgressions. Now something you should know about me is that I like to play devil's advocate, others call it indecive, I would rather call it diplomacy but I refuse to believe that there is just one avenue to derive an answer to any question, or one group of people that hold the answer to any certain problem. I think that God has created this vast world to scatter knowledge too and fro and in order to solve our problems, we as a people must piece together what we know indivdually in order to defeat challenge after challenge.Diplomacy is the reason this Earth still spins, why we've manage not to allow one of the many nuclear bombs into unsteady hands, and why the southeatern United States still exist. For in 1961 the Earth stood still and held its breath as Russian missles took aim at the United States and American missles pointed towards Russia after the Bay of Pigs. Diplomacy lifted us from our bitter disgust for each other to a mutal respect for humanity which dwindled by strings at the moment. My point is that we should all seek each other to find the answers to these complexing problems we are facing and will face, and if we only did this more, mankind would have already left its footprint on Mars, feed the staving world, or cured cancer.I think I've said enough about how I arrived at my poistion, I guess its time to reveal my position. God is scary! He's the force that struck people dead for committing one sin in the old testament, he wiped out entire armies for mentioning Isreal in the same sentence with war, and made his own follwers kill their animals in the name of himself. That sounds like a brutal GOD, but it also sounds like a GOD who can't be in the presence of sin, A GOD full of love and jealousy,and it also sounds like a GOD that has done whatever possible for a spieces that continue to turn their back on him. I also believe this jealous GOD was well aware of the brutality he had to inflict in order to continue a relationship with us sinful people. So he decided to commit a brutal act upon himself by making a human version of GOD and humiliating this version, beating this version and then hanging him on a piece of wood, included with that and the fact that papa Adam and moma Eve gave us free will. I believe that the Lord is not a punishing GOD but I do believe he is JUST. I believe he is like my mother who never traveled to the switch tree out of malice but because she wanted a better life for me. I believe GOD gives us AVENUES, I believe GOD predetermine paths for us and we choose the AVENUE in which we want to travel. If you choose promiscuity over studying then you may recieve an STD before a college degree. If you choose to hang with drug dealers rather than committing to your team and coaches, then you may recieve a Federal Indictment instead of D1 sports scholarship. If your hostile to people instead of being helpful, you might find a bullet before love. Life is full of AVENUES and the only way to choose the correct ones is by fearing the Lord in every decision and as the decisions become harder your fear shall increase because your knowledge will. For the Lord is with us and not against us! God Bless You and God Bless These Great States of America
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools depise wisdom and discipline.
This verse reminds me of the age old debate that christians part take in daily on whether not GOD will blast you into oblivion for sinning or if this huge GOD of grace and love is so forgiving as not to punish us for transgressions. Now something you should know about me is that I like to play devil's advocate, others call it indecive, I would rather call it diplomacy but I refuse to believe that there is just one avenue to derive an answer to any question, or one group of people that hold the answer to any certain problem. I think that God has created this vast world to scatter knowledge too and fro and in order to solve our problems, we as a people must piece together what we know indivdually in order to defeat challenge after challenge.Diplomacy is the reason this Earth still spins, why we've manage not to allow one of the many nuclear bombs into unsteady hands, and why the southeatern United States still exist. For in 1961 the Earth stood still and held its breath as Russian missles took aim at the United States and American missles pointed towards Russia after the Bay of Pigs. Diplomacy lifted us from our bitter disgust for each other to a mutal respect for humanity which dwindled by strings at the moment. My point is that we should all seek each other to find the answers to these complexing problems we are facing and will face, and if we only did this more, mankind would have already left its footprint on Mars, feed the staving world, or cured cancer.I think I've said enough about how I arrived at my poistion, I guess its time to reveal my position. God is scary! He's the force that struck people dead for committing one sin in the old testament, he wiped out entire armies for mentioning Isreal in the same sentence with war, and made his own follwers kill their animals in the name of himself. That sounds like a brutal GOD, but it also sounds like a GOD who can't be in the presence of sin, A GOD full of love and jealousy,and it also sounds like a GOD that has done whatever possible for a spieces that continue to turn their back on him. I also believe this jealous GOD was well aware of the brutality he had to inflict in order to continue a relationship with us sinful people. So he decided to commit a brutal act upon himself by making a human version of GOD and humiliating this version, beating this version and then hanging him on a piece of wood, included with that and the fact that papa Adam and moma Eve gave us free will. I believe that the Lord is not a punishing GOD but I do believe he is JUST. I believe he is like my mother who never traveled to the switch tree out of malice but because she wanted a better life for me. I believe GOD gives us AVENUES, I believe GOD predetermine paths for us and we choose the AVENUE in which we want to travel. If you choose promiscuity over studying then you may recieve an STD before a college degree. If you choose to hang with drug dealers rather than committing to your team and coaches, then you may recieve a Federal Indictment instead of D1 sports scholarship. If your hostile to people instead of being helpful, you might find a bullet before love. Life is full of AVENUES and the only way to choose the correct ones is by fearing the Lord in every decision and as the decisions become harder your fear shall increase because your knowledge will. For the Lord is with us and not against us! God Bless You and God Bless These Great States of America
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Well I'm quite the speaker if you haven't heard and if you haven't then ask the Speaker of the House of Alabama Seth Hammet, Jay Gouge (AUBURN PRESIDENT), Alabama Senators, Alabama House Members and anyone in SGA at Auburn University. Why am I stroking my ego, you ask. It's because I haven't had a speaking engagement in a long time and I love to speak. I'm pretty scared about not being able to use this talent, because I think the Lord has called me to do this and politics can be scary. Plus I want to do this early in life, really early and I have to get a start somehow, but that doesn't look good since I'm graduating in Decemeber. So while the time drifts slowly towards the stormy ocean of real life and graduation, I'm going speak about the only speech that truely matters in life, the word of GOD.
Isaiah 61
If your heart is broken now, If your heart mourns now, If your heart has been held captive by the sin you've fought all your life now, then turn to Isaiah 61 right now. For the lord has promised! He has promised comfort for the brokenhearted, and has proclaimed the captives held against their will to be FREE. And to those who mourn, his joy has came down from heaven to surround you only as loving father can. Too often we forget that the Lord is the same God who spoke from the burning bush, too often we forget this is the same lord who divinely split a sea to the very bottom for those who are his, to have a passage to freedom and way too often we forget this is the Lord who perfected himself into man to rip the vail that stood in the way of what he created many years ago. Somehow we still believe that our problems are way to big for this God. Many believe that the Lord simply don't perform the miracles he did not too long ago. I tend to disagree because a bunch of settlers lined along the atlantic cost declared independence in 1776 and defeated an empire on which the sun never set, thats nothing short of a miracle. In 1941 a crippled President rose to say that a medicore American work force could produce 50,000 planes,and the whole world laughed at such a preposterous claim. They eventually laughed in the shadows of the Air Force 100,000 planes as they blocked out the sun's light, on their way to defeat the axis of evil. Nothing short of a miracle. How about Pastor Steve Scoggins, traveling to Montgomery to visit a church member in the hosptial, where he fell dead of a heart attack. If it wasn't for Montgomery Hospital having a great cardiology department, Opelika would be lacking one the best pastors they have ever had and Mrs. Scoggins and her family would be lacking a unbelieveable father and a incrible husband. So though they may be hidden from our sight, the Lord's miracles still surrounds us, from the earth not being one mile closer to the sun and being to hot for us to continue, to the miracle of a precious child seeing its mother for the first time. We need to know whenever life is too much for us to handle, when sin has created distance between us and our god, and when life has given us no reason to live.....Remember Isaiah 61 and let your broken heart mention Emmanuel....for it means GOD IS WITH US! God Bless you and God Bless these great States of America.
Isaiah 61
If your heart is broken now, If your heart mourns now, If your heart has been held captive by the sin you've fought all your life now, then turn to Isaiah 61 right now. For the lord has promised! He has promised comfort for the brokenhearted, and has proclaimed the captives held against their will to be FREE. And to those who mourn, his joy has came down from heaven to surround you only as loving father can. Too often we forget that the Lord is the same God who spoke from the burning bush, too often we forget this is the same lord who divinely split a sea to the very bottom for those who are his, to have a passage to freedom and way too often we forget this is the Lord who perfected himself into man to rip the vail that stood in the way of what he created many years ago. Somehow we still believe that our problems are way to big for this God. Many believe that the Lord simply don't perform the miracles he did not too long ago. I tend to disagree because a bunch of settlers lined along the atlantic cost declared independence in 1776 and defeated an empire on which the sun never set, thats nothing short of a miracle. In 1941 a crippled President rose to say that a medicore American work force could produce 50,000 planes,and the whole world laughed at such a preposterous claim. They eventually laughed in the shadows of the Air Force 100,000 planes as they blocked out the sun's light, on their way to defeat the axis of evil. Nothing short of a miracle. How about Pastor Steve Scoggins, traveling to Montgomery to visit a church member in the hosptial, where he fell dead of a heart attack. If it wasn't for Montgomery Hospital having a great cardiology department, Opelika would be lacking one the best pastors they have ever had and Mrs. Scoggins and her family would be lacking a unbelieveable father and a incrible husband. So though they may be hidden from our sight, the Lord's miracles still surrounds us, from the earth not being one mile closer to the sun and being to hot for us to continue, to the miracle of a precious child seeing its mother for the first time. We need to know whenever life is too much for us to handle, when sin has created distance between us and our god, and when life has given us no reason to live.....Remember Isaiah 61 and let your broken heart mention Emmanuel....for it means GOD IS WITH US! God Bless you and God Bless these great States of America.
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